More than just a journal

Big Journal is a powerful Notion-like journaling app that helps you capture your thoughts, track your progress, and stay organised.

iOS and Android coming soon

Sun, 12th May 2024
After a restful night of sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed, having enjoyed a solid 8 hours of rest. The day kicked off with a delightful shopping excursion to Oxford Street, London with Peter and Jane. Later, I dedicated some time to my work on BigJournal, ultimately achieving the completion of a significant milestone: feat(bigjournal): landing page. Additionally, I managed to clock in 15,528 steps throughout the day, culminating in an exhilarating

Capture everything

Integrate with the tools you use every day

Make progress

Visualise your life with a number of useful infographics


Filter and search your journal to find those magic moment


Weekly summaries for that monday motivation

Habit tracker

Make progress towards your daily habits